Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Still More!

I had the urge to buy stuff, so James let me go spend some of tax refund on sconces and overheads. They are now sitting in our basement until the time comes when we can actually install them. I like spending money.

We've been running wire during all of our free time - which isn't much. We've got the hallway done this weekend and the overhead lights in the living and dining room.

I started priming the Living Room and the Boys' Room. I have no method to my madness. I still have to finish it up - painting with 2 kids is virtually impossible. Who takes 5 days to prime a room? I do. For now, both Ben and Tom have made their beds in the hallway upstairs. They would go into the spare room, but all of their furniture is camped out there until I finish the prime job. James says I can't paint until the electrical is up and running which means I probably won't be able to paint until 2010. We'll be living in primer white for a while.

We also have to seriously think about buying our kitchen cabinets and knocking out more stuff. It's like this vicious circle we cannot conquer. We can't wire up the kitchen unless we have things positioned. We can't position things until we move the basement stairs. So we have to build new stairs. This will be great!

Also, we found some corrosion on a pipe in the upstairs bathroom when we ripped down the kitchen ceiling. So since the ceiling's down, we're going to have James' plumber friend replace the corroded pipe and see what else he might have for us.

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