All I've been doing is priming ceilings, painting ceilings, priming walls, painting walls, thinking of painting mouldings. It will never stop.

Here's the hallway and staircase so far. It's still the first coat and I have decided that since I need to buy another gallon anyways, I'm going to buy the satin finish and use that as my second coat. Duh.

Here is our bathroom! James told me to pick out a yellow. I went to Lowe's with Ben and Tom. It is not easy to pick out a color with two toddlers running around. Plus, staring at the 109 different shades of yellow made me slightly delusional. So I went to some "Inspiration" display where they had the "trendier" colors. There is was - Sunbeam! It was our bathroom color to be (mostly due to the fact that I was very ready to get out of the store). So now, whenever you use our downstairs bathroom, it will be like rays of sun are shining down at you.
Again, this is still the first coat and I wasn't ready yet to do the detail near the ceiling. Maybe tonight once both boys are sleeping.