Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mouldings & Stairs

A long while ago, James installed the crown mouldings in the living room. I took a few pictures - but this is the best one!!! I don't know what I was thinking when I was snapping these shots!!!

Poor James isn't even in this picture! I must have been focusing on Ben.

Here are the mouldings - FINALLY painted! Thanks to me!

The furniture has been all in disarray with my painting. It's been so hot here. I put tape all around the mouldings and I can't begin to tell you how much sweat this generated from my body. I shouldn't do this kind of stuff in this crazy heat - but I can't help myself.

I started painting the balusters and the rest of the stairs. There are so many nooks and cranies on this staircase. It's crazy.

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