So the walls are painted in the boys room. I have to do the mouldings and touch up a few areas. I still can't decide whether I like it or not. I liked the color on the sample. I liked the color of the wet paint and then it went up. I don't know. It's one of those shades that changes a lot with the light. When it's dark in the room, it's a really gross, pukey green. When it's light, it's very pretty.

Here's kind of a dark, gross picture.
Here's another view that I like a lot. The paint shade is very pretty with so much light on it.
So far, all we put back are the beds because I want to knock out the mouldings in the next few days. Both boys got extremely excited when I put the beds so close like this. Ben goes "So I get to sleep right next to Tommy?" We'll play around with it some after all is said and done.
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