Friday, December 3, 2010

Chimney Flashing Replaced!

When we bought this house, we really didn't take into consideration the roof line.  Granted, we aren't on the roof all that much, but had we bought a ranch or cape, it would be a little easier for James to take care of some simple things.  A few weeks ago, I noticed a water spot in our attic.  Then walking, I noticed a shingle is missing from our roof.  A single shingle.  When we bought this place 3 years ago, the inspector told us that our chimney flashing needed to be replaced.  So today, James went up there and replaced it.  He also scoped out the missing shingle (by the way, they sell replacement shingles in sheets of 3).  

James stole a harness from work so he used it.  Safety first at our house!

 There is James shimmying down the roof.  

 I was nice and held the ladder as he was climbing down.

Ben thought it was cool that Daddy went on the roof.  

So James was able to fix the flashing, but he said the angle that the missing shingle is at is hard to replace because the hip roof and the lack of anything to hold onto.  He said he might try to go up the other side to get at it in a different angle.  Or we might call a roofer.  I don't even know if roofers come out for little, stupid jobs like "replace a shingle".  I guess we might find out.  

In other news, we are really trying to finish this porch up.  We were going to hire our plasterer to plaster it, but with James laid off, we're just trying to finish it off ourselves for now.  We figure, we have all the materials needed so it's not costing us anything but time and if it looks really bad, we'll call the plasterer next year when James is working again.  My goal is to have this done by Christmas so we'll see.