Monday, August 23, 2010

Front Hallway - Tiling Has Begun!

James tiled the floor yesterday.  We now just have to wait 24 hours and then he can put the grout down.  We just continued the kitchen tiles into the hallway.  We bought a bunch of them what, like 2 years ago when we tiled the kitchen.  We finally put them to use.

I also painted the kitchen green a few days ago.  Here I am in my homemaker apparel to show it off.  I need to organize the kitchen some before I "show it off" more.  Plus, it doesn't help that there is the front hallway radiator just sitting in the middle of the kitchen.  I really like it though.  We used the same green as we did in the dining room and it is definitely more of what we had in mind as far as a "finished" kitchen than that awful blue.  The blue wasn't a bad color by itself - it was just bad in our kitchen.  I even painted our backdoor green!  I think it looks great.  Since it's raining today and Ben's camp got cancelled, maybe I can actually organize this place.  I am probably jinxing myself.

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